Magnet MED

Get Hooked On Magnet MED!


MagnetTM MED is an attract&kill system to control mediterranean fruit fly.

This quick aplication product remains active along the season and is the perfect partner to othe pest management tools.

MagnetTM MED uses high effective female attractans, increasing its efficacy.

Features & Benefits

Lightweight and compact size
Easy to transport, device ships ready to use Easy hook, simplifies deployment
At least 6 months efficacy
Pest control before, during and after harvest Focused on females control
Minimizes handling
For organic production
Friendly solution for the environment

Facts table MED

Target pest

Mediterranean fruit fly

Ceratitis capitata.

Crop registrations

Citrus, stone fruit, pome fruit and grapevine crops.

Application rate

50-75 units/ha.


Monitor Ceratitis capitata females using food-attractant-baited traps.

Place 1 trap every 5 ha, with a minimum of 2 traps per plot.

Check the traps weekly, recording the numbers of both males and females.


Look for damage on the fruits frequently while the crop is sensitive to attack.

Larvae produce direct damage in the fruits leading to rottening and drop.

Quarantine programmes from importing countries are extremely restrictive to this pest.

Look for damage in the fruits.

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